Overview & Services

<p>Grand Hantha Hemodialysis Center has 31 station dialysis unit, which is the largest dialysis center in Myanmar.</p>
<p>Hemodialysis is the process of removing blood from an artery (as of a kidney patient), purifying it by dialysis, adding vital substances, and returning it to a vein to remove wastes or toxins from the blood and adjust fluid and electrolyte imbalances by utilizing rates at which substances diffuse through a semipermeable membrane.</p>
<p>It is the treatment procedure to help the patients whose kidneys have failed to function normally. Hemodialysis Center at Grand Hantha International Hospital provides a full range of nephrology care including assessment, diagnosis, treatment with a team of renowned nephrologists, nutritionists, registered nurses who are expert in dialysis care.</p>

Grand Hantha Hemodialysis Center has 31 station dialysis unit, which is the largest dialysis center in Myanmar.

Hemodialysis is the process of removing blood from an artery (as of a kidney patient), purifying it by dialysis, adding vital substances, and returning it to a vein to remove wastes or toxins from the blood and adjust fluid and electrolyte imbalances by utilizing rates at which substances diffuse through a semipermeable membrane.

It is the treatment procedure to help the patients whose kidneys have failed to function normally. Hemodialysis Center at Grand Hantha International Hospital provides a full range of nephrology care including assessment, diagnosis, treatment with a team of renowned nephrologists, nutritionists, registered nurses who are expert in dialysis care.

<p>We use the most modern German-made dialysis machines equipped together with central concentrate delivery and a double RO system, to provide patients with high standards of care and the best possible results.</p>

We use the most modern German-made dialysis machines equipped together with central concentrate delivery and a double RO system, to provide patients with high standards of care and the best possible results.

Fresenius 5008S (Online HighVolumeHDF) New Generation Haemodialysis Machines

  • Cardioprotective effects
  • Online plus technology
  • VAM (Venous Access Monitor) for increased probability of early
  • detection of needle dislodgement
  • 2 Diasafe plus filter for ultra-pure dialysate
  • Single-use high flux dialyser
  • Online plus bloodline

CRRT (Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy) for haemodynamically

  • unstable, fluid-overloaded, catabolic septic patients with acute renal failure
  • especially in the critical care /intensive care unit setting.

Double RO (Reverse Osmosis) System
CDS System (Central Concentrate Delivery System)

Fresenius 4008S New Generation Haemodialysis Machines

  • BPM (Continuous Blood Pressure Monitoring System)
  • OCM (Online Clearance Monitoring System) Online assessment of
  • dialysis efficiency and dose
  • Ultrapure dialysis fluid (DIASAFE®plus)
  • Hygienic dry bicarbonate concentrate supply.
<p>Hemodialysis is useful in treatment of patients having acute kidney injury, chronic renal failure and ESRD.</p>
<p>Functions of kidney are remove waste products, excess fluid from the body and maintain the balance of minerals, salt and water.</p>
<p>When kidneys are unable to do this work effectively, hemodialysis helps to remove waste products, excess fluids, and electrolytes from the blood instead of kidney. This treatment can improve the patient’s quality of life and extend their lifespan.</p>
<p>Any inquires for our HD Department, you can contact 012317617, 01523000 (Extension : 1600), 09423423417.</p>

Hemodialysis is useful in treatment of patients having acute kidney injury, chronic renal failure and ESRD.

Functions of kidney are remove waste products, excess fluid from the body and maintain the balance of minerals, salt and water.

When kidneys are unable to do this work effectively, hemodialysis helps to remove waste products, excess fluids, and electrolytes from the blood instead of kidney. This treatment can improve the patient’s quality of life and extend their lifespan.

Any inquires for our HD Department, you can contact 012317617, 01523000 (Extension : 1600), 09423423417.

Operating Hours

Open Daily 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM

Location & Contact Info

First Floor, Grand Hantha International Hospital
01 231 7600, 01 7523 000

Our Doctor
